Exploring the Beauty of Campuhan Ridge Walk in Ubud, Bali

When visiting Ubud, Bali, there are numerous exciting activities to indulge in. From picturesque village strolls to traversing lush rice fields, one activity that stands out is the Campuhan Ridge Walk.

This captivating trek takes you through a verdant landscape, offering a unique experience amidst nature’s beauty. Join us on this virtual journey as we explore the wonders of the Campuhan Ridge and discover the best time to visit.

What To Expect

Campuhan Ridge Walk Overview:

The Campuhan Ridge Walk is a meticulously paved path winding along the Campuhan Ridge, showcasing the natural side of Ubud.

Unlike walks focused on rice terraces, this journey immerses you in a jungle or forest-like setting, making it a refreshing departure from the ordinary.

When To Go: Best Time to Visit

For an optimal experience, embark on the walk early in the morning around sunrise. The exposed nature of the trail can make it hot quickly, so starting between 6-7:30 AM ensures a more comfortable journey. If seeking a quieter atmosphere, early mornings are preferable due to the increasing popularity of the walk.

Alternatively, an evening stroll just before sunset offers a beautiful temperature and ambiance. Avoiding the afternoon and night is advisable due to the intense heat and lack of lighting, making the walk less enjoyable.

How Long Does It Take?

Photo by Sam Vella on Unsplash

Duration and Distance:

From the starting point at Warwick Ibah to the end of the Ridge, a one-way walk takes approximately 20-25 minutes without stopping. Extending the journey to Karsa Kafe and nearby warungs adds another 5-10 minutes. With the return trip and potential stops for photos, plan for 1 to 2 hours to incorporate the Campuhan Ridge Walk into your day.

The total distance, measured using an app, is around 1.22 km from Warwick Ibah to the end of the ridge. Including the return trip, the walk spans about 2.5 km, with the option to walk further to Karsa Kafe.

Is There A Loop Walk?

While there isn’t a designated loop, you can extend the walk by following the route until reaching Jalan RSI Markandya II. From there, navigate through Jalan Raya Sanggingan and Jalan Raya Ubud to return to the starting point. However, doubling back is more time-efficient.

How To Get There

campuhan ridge walk

Getting to the Campuhan Ridge Walk:

The accessibility depends on your location in Ubud. If staying in Ubud Village, a walk to the starting point at Warwick Ibah is convenient. For those staying on the outskirts, scooter parking is available downhill from the Warwick Ibah sign.

Detailed walking directions from Ubud Traditional Markets lead to the Warwick Ibah, the starting point for the Campuhan Ridge Walk.

What To Bring

Essentials for the Walk:

While food and drinks are available at the walk’s beginning and end, bringing a water bottle, sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, and insect repellent is recommended. As the trail is exposed, these items ensure a comfortable journey. Don’t forget your camera to capture the mesmerizing scenery. Comfortable footwear, such as joggers or flip-flops, is suitable for the walk.

Have you ever visited the Campuhan Ridge Walk, or is it on your bucket list?

We’d love to hear about your experiences or any questions you might have about capturing the perfect moment in Ubud.

Share your thoughts in the comments below!

Inviting You to Experience Campuhan Ridge Walk with Photolagi

As you plan your visit to Campuhan Ridge Walk, consider capturing these moments with Photolagi, your trusted wedding photographer in Bali. Our expert photographers will ensure your special moments are beautifully preserved. Book our services now and add a touch of professionalism to your Bali experience.

Conclusion: Campuhan Ridge Walk in Ubud, Bali, offers a delightful escape into nature’s embrace. Whether you prefer the tranquility of early mornings or the enchanting hues of sunset, this walk provides a unique perspective on Ubud’s natural beauty. Plan your visit, embrace the serenity, and immortalize the moments with Photolagi’s photography services.

Inspired by the enchanting beauty of Campuhan Ridge Walk?

Let’s capture your unforgettable moments against Ubud’s breathtaking landscapes.

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